Little River: An Overview of Cultural Resources for the R

By Eric Eugene Klucas, Scott O’Mack, and Scott Thompson
Technical Series 82
290 pp. / 8.50 x 11.00 / 2004
Paper (978-1-8794-4281-8)
Price : $27.50
The Río Antiguo project seeks to address ecosystem, recreation, and flood-control concerns along a stretch of the Rillito River in Tucson. This volume, part of the feasibility study for the project, presents a survey of Native American and Euroamerican culture history in the study area, including a summary of information on previously recorded archaeological sites. The overview provides detailed descriptions of two major historical-period archaeological sites in the Rio Antiguo study area: Fort Lowell itself and the remains of the Mormon community of Binghampton, which was founded in the last decade of the nineteenth century. The Rillito River and its tributaries were also an important focus of prehistoric Native American settlement, although the archaeology of the Rillito Valley has been studied less than that of the Santa Cruz Valley. Little River gives detailed descriptions of two major Hohokam villages in the Rio Antiguo study area: the Hardy site, within which Fort Lowell was built, and University Indian Ruin, an important site in the professional development of Hohokam archaeology. The report also includes a discussion of archaeological potential in the study area based on geomorphological considerations.
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