Fence Lake Project: Archaeological Data Recovery in the New Mexico Transportation Corridor and First Five-Year Permit Area, Fence Lake Coal Mine Project, Catron County, New Mexico

Edited by Edgar K. Huber and Carla R. Van West
Technical Series 84
2,000 pp. / 2006
CD-ROM (1-879442-86-8)
Price: $50.00
This five-volume, 2,000-page study presents the results of the Fence Lake Project located in a spectacular but challenging region that straddles the Arizona-New Mexico line some 40 miles south of the Zuni reservation. The archaeology and history of the region are explored in scholarly articles on ancient farming practices, paleoclimatic reconstruction, the struggles of Hispanic ranchers in territorial times, the unexpected discovery of maize dating to 2000 b.c., and other topics. These volumes offer specialists and general readers alike a glimpse into the lives of the diverse peoples that settled the region from Paleoindian times to the twentieth century. Shedding new light on the vivid cultural landscapes of this region, the volumes offer readers the opportunity to share in the excitement of archaeological discovery and provides a glimpse into the lives of the diverse cultural and ethnic groups that lived in east-central Arizona and west-central New Mexico.
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