The Roosevelt Rural Sites Study, Volume 2: Prehistoric Rural Settlements in the Tonto Basin, Part 1

Edited by Richard Ciolek-Torrello, Steven D. Shelley, and Su Benaron
Technical Series 28, Vol. 2, Part 1
401 pp. / 1994
Between April and June of 1985, Statistical Research conducted a cultural resources survey of approximately 1,000 acres and limited site relocation program in the Mojave River Forks Reservoir, San Bernardino County, California for the Los Angeles District, Corps of Engineers. Prior to the fieldwork a documents search identified seventeen previously recorded or reported prehistoric sites, two historic properties, and one isolated prehistoric artifact in the study area. During the survey. 17 prehistoric sites, 6 historic sites, 1 multicomponent site, and 5 isolated prehistoric artifacts were recorded. In addition, six previously known sites were revisited.
The results of the documents search and survey were combined in an analysis of prehistoric settlement patterns. A model based on the ethnographic descriptions of the Serrano seasonal round was developed. Most of the prehistoric components could easily be placed within this model. Those located on the central mesa in the north-central portion of the study area, however, could not. These sites were argued to represent early spring yucca procurement and processing areas. A more refined subsistence and settlement model was then presented. This model was used as a basis for evaluating the potential eligibility of sites for inclusion in the National Register and for offering management recommendations.