On the Frontier: A Trincheras-Hohokam Farmstead, Arivaca, Arizona

Edited by Stephanie M. Whittlesey and Richard Ciolek-Torrello
Technical Series 30
173 pp. / 1992
This report presents the results of archaeological data recovery in a portion of a small Colonial period farmstead or hamlet, AZ DD:7:22 (ASM), located along the existing 100-foot-wide right-of-way (ROW) of Arivaca Road about 1 km east of the townsite of Arivaca. The site is projected to be impacted by planned road improvements by the Pima County Department of Transportation and Flood Control District, in cooperation with the Arizona Department of Transportation. Data recovery involved the excavation of a large informal habitation structure, two roasting pits, and a midden area. This report represents the final in a series of reports submitted to Pima County. A plan of work and research design (Whittlesey and Ciolek-Torrello 1989) presented a summary of previous research in the area, identified the historic contexts present at AZ DD:7:22 (ASM) and a second site, posed a number of research themes and questions, and presented a plan for testing. The results of archaeological testing at both sites were presented in a second report (Whittlesey, Shelley, and Ciolek-Torrello 1990) along with a plan of work for data recovery at AZ DD:7:22.
The purpose of testing was to evaluate the significance of identified cultural resources that were to be impacted by planned construction projects. Assessment of significance was based on the National Historic Preservation Act and the regulations designed to implement this act. The research design presented by Whittlesey and Ciolek-Torrello (1989) and summarized in this report is framed within criteria for eligibility to the National Register as indicated by National Park Service guidelines (1986). Whittlesey and Ciolek-Torrello (1989) suggested that AZ DD:7:22 can provide information to answer questions concerning cultural affiliation and interaction, settlement function, environmental adaptation, and subsistence. In this report we attempt to answer the questions posed using the results of the testing and data recovery studies. The report is organized in eight chapters. Chapter 1 provides the project background, including a summary of previous research in the Arivaca area, a detailed description of the environmental setting, and revised discussions of the cultural-historical framework for the area and the research design for data recovery. These latter revisions incorporate the results of archival research conducted after the original plan of work was prepared. Chapter Two provides descriptive results of site and feature excavations. Chapters Three, Four, and Five present respectively the results of the analyses of ceramics, lithics, and other artifacts, collected during testing and data recovery. Chapters Six and Seven report the results of archaeobotanical analyses. In the final chapter we summarize the results of excavations and analyses and address the research questions in a synthetic treatment of these results. Reports detailing petrographic and chronometric analyses are provided in Appendixes A and B, respectively. Attributes used in the ceramic and lithic analyses are described in Appendixes C and D.