Man and Settlement in the Upper Santa Ana River Drainage: A Cultural Resources Overview

By Jeffrey H. Altschul, Martin R. Rose, and Michael K. Lerch
Technical Series 1
152 pp. / 1984
Between July and October of 1984, Statistical Research conducted a cultural resources overview and limited field checks of six proposed reservoirs and associated borrow sites in the Upper Santa Ana River Drainage. The proposed areas of impact are dispersed throughout the San Bernardino Valley, covering portions of both San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, California. Although each area is relatively small, in combination they touch on most areas of the San Bernardino Valley. Thus, instead of analyzing each area in isolation, the first stage of the prehistoric, ethnographic, and historic research emphasizes the San Bernardino Valley as the unit of analysis. Cultural resources for each Study Area and Borrow Site are then described and placed into the appropriate context. Field checks directed by the literature and documentary evidence were conducted in each of the proposed reservoirs. Field checks were only made in areas likely or purported to contain sites. Eight sites were recorded and one previously recorded site was revisited.
Based on the literature and documentary evidence and the results of the field checks recommendations are offered at three levels. First, general recommendations are made about the way future research should be conducted. Specifically, it is suggested that more emphasis be placed on Quaternary studies and that field survey methods include a subsurface testing component. Second, eligibility for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places for specific sites visited or recorded is evaluated, and suggestions are made for further testing. Finally, sample surveys are designed for each Study Area and Borrow Site.