Life Away from the River: A Class II Cultural Resources Survey of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, Arizona

By Jeffrey H. Altschul
Technical Series 14
93 pp. / 1988
Results of an intensive archaeological survey of 4,675 acres at Davis-Monthan AFB are presented in this report. The surveyed areas represent about 45 percent of the total airbase and nearly 66 percent of all non-developed land at Davis-Monthan AFB. The intensity of the survey varied over the base. Areas of proposed development were inventoried completely as were undisturbed portions of the base. Remaining areas were sampled through a systematic survey design. Eight sites and 139 non-sites and isolated occurrences were recorded during the survey. Cultural resources ranged in age from the Late Archaic through the Protohistoric periods, although most date to the Formative period. Models of non-riverine subsistence practices were developed and evaluated against the data. Six sites were considered eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Testing and data recovery plans for these six sites were presented. No further survey work was recommended.