Cultural Resources Investigations of the Yuma Quartermaster Depot, AZ X:6:12 (ASM), Yuma, Arizona

By Mark T. Swanson and Jeffrey H. Altschul
Technical Series 21
227 pp. / 1991
This report covers the cultural resource investigations conducted in the area of the proposed parking lot, service roads, and walkways scheduled to be built at the Yuma Quartermaster Depot, AZ X:6:12 (ASM), in Yuma, Arizona. In addition to a surface survey of the impact area, 33 backhoe trenches were excavated within the project area, which was divided into low- and high-probability areas based on the location of cultural properties identified from a series of nineteenth- and early-twentieth-century maps. Nineteen trenches were placed judgmentally in six high probability areas (HPAs) identified as the sites of significant historic depot constructions or the house sites of the riverboat captains who lived nearby. The remaining 14 trenches were placed at systematic intervals throughout the rest of the project area, which was designated a low-probability area (LPA). In addition to the backhoe trenches, one 4-by-4-m stripping unit was excavated, as were three controlled excavation units, all of which were placed in high-probability areas.